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Still Time to Register for the Fall Workshop!

HealthWatch Wisconsin's "5 Things to Watch" Fall Workshop

Register today for HealthWatch Wisconsin's fall workshop called "5 Things to Watch in Wisconsin." Join knowledgeable speakers and special guests in Madison to discuss:

  1. Wisconsin’s Federal Waiver Request
  2. Health Reform Implementation and Health Exchanges
  3. Infant Mortality and Birth Cost Recovery
  4. The Status of Public Health Money in Wisconsin
  5. Contracts with Providers & Managed Care Contract Oversight

What: HealthWatch Wisconsin's "5 Things to Watch" Workshop

When: Thursday, November 3, 2011, 9:30am-12:00pm

Where: Boys & Girls Club of Dane County Allied Family Center, 4619 Jenewein Road, Madison, WI

Register: Register Online, Download a Registration Form, or Call: 800-585-4222 ext. 204

Cost: Discounted rate of $15 for HealthWatch members and subscribers. Other rates apply for non-members.

BONUS!! HealthWatch Wisconsin will be conducting our next Green Bay Packer Ticket Prize Drawing at the workshop! All individual HealthWatch members are eligible to win! Not a member? Join when you register for the workshop or click here to join now! The Green Bay Packer indoor deluxe club seat tickets are for the November 20, 2011, 12:00pm game at Lambeau Field:

Green Bay Packers vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers

The workshop will occur in tandem with the fall meeting of the HealthWatch Wisconsin Council, the leadership of the statewide HealthWatch organization. Please visit the HealthWatch Wisconsin website for more details!

Vol. 7, No. 19
October 17, 2011

In This Issue:

Still Time to Register

DHS Proposes Medicaid Cuts...Schedules Hearings

Where's the Medicaid Audit?

Update--Consumer Assistance Grant Termination

Changes to HIRSP Federal Plan

HealthWatch News

NEW! Core Plan Waiting List Counter!

Case Tip

Coalition Roundup

3 C's for CYSHCN!

Ops Memos

State & National News

On our Website:
HealthWatch Membership
Upcoming Coalition Meetings

Footage of Public Hearings: The Human Impact of BadgerCare Plus

DHS Proposes Medicaid Cuts...Schedules Hearings

Since Wisconsin's Department of Health Service outlined its cuts and unprecedented reductions in benefits and services for families, HealthWatch Wisconsin has been analyzing the impact on thousands of families. Creating the "Alternative Benchmark Plan," DHS is asking families above 100% FPL (equivalent to a family of 4 making approximately $22,000 a year) to participate in increased cost sharing with a reduced benefits package. More than 200,000 individuals could be impacted by these proposed changes. Families making 150% FPL would also pay increased premiums. In fact, if you have "access" to private insurance, you will not be eligible for BadgerCare if you contribute less than 9.5% of your household income to that coverage. Additional details of the proposal show how Wisconsin will seek changes to the federal “maintenance of effort” requirements. These changes include restricting BadgerCare Plus from anyone who has access to private insurance, re-calculating family incomes, eliminating backdating on applications, increasing premiums, allowing for faster terminations of policies, restricting 19-26 year olds from BadgerCare Plus, instantly denying BadgerCare Plus if verifications are late, and more.

Running Out of Time: Waiver Not Yet Submitted

The DHS Waiver Request has not yet been submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Consider the following: Wisconsin can’t have a waiver in effect (that makes MA more restrictive than before health reform was enacted) and still get federal money UNLESS Wisconsin certifies to HHS that it has a budget deficit. From that assumption forward, the steps DHS has yet to take look like the following:

  • Submit waiver request to the Joint Finance Committee Co-Chairs.
  • JFC Co-Chairs have 14 working days to determine if they will schedule a meeting with the entire committee to review the waiver request. If no meeting is scheduled, the request is submitted to CMS. If a meeting is scheduled, then the approval of the committee is required before sending the waiver request to CMS.
  • Once submitted, CMS must approve the request, deny it or formally request more information within 90 days.
  • Under the Affordable Care Act, new regulations were implemented to increase the transparency of the waiver approval process, and create new waiver authorities. Public notice and input processes are required at both the state and federal level. This would include publication in the Federal Register with a comment period.

The state budget says that if the waiver isn’t approved by Dec. 31, 2011, those parents on BadgerCare Plus and adults on the Core Plan above 133% FPL will be dropped.

In the meantime, DHS has decided to allow individuals to give no more than 3 minutes of feedback on its proposed cuts at two meeting times:


Wednesday, October 19, 2011, 1:00pm-7:00pm

Goodman Community Center
149 Waubesa Street 
Madison, WI 53704 
Evjue Community Room D


Friday, October 21, 2011, 10:00am-3:00pm

Wisconsin State Fair Park
Tommy G. Thompson Youth Center
Multi-Purpose Room 
640 South 84th St.
West Allis, WI 53214
(Use Gate 5 – directly off Hwy 94/84th Street)

The following questions remain:

  • When will DHS submit the proposal to the Joint Finance Committee Co-chairs?
  • Will the Joint Finance Committee Co-chairs call a review meeting or fail to act?
  • Will CMS review the waiver within 90 days or sooner to meet the December 31 deadline?
  • Will proper notice requirements be followed for a waiver request?
  • Will the Wisconsin legislature create an extension or amend Act 32 to go beyond the December 31 deadline?
  • Has Wisconsin already "certified" that it is running a budget deficit to CMS to even qualify for a waiver?

Where's the Medicaid Audit?

Back in January 2011, Wisconsin's Joint Legislative Audit Committee requested a "sweeping audit" of Wisconsin's Medicaid and FoodShare programs to be carried out by the Legislative Audit Bureau (LAB), the first such audit since the LAB issued its last program integrity report in 2008.  Many advocates and policy experts expected DHS to use the audit as the basis for potential Medicaid reforms and recommendations. Despite these sensible expectations, DHS proceeded with a new Medicaid Waiver proposal with dramatic program changes. What happened?!

On June 2, 2011, the LAB issued a letter report back to the Legislative Audit Committee concerning only one component of the state's Medical Assistance programs: the Enrollment Services Center. The letter was far from flattering, as it highlighted some major issues with the growth and cost of the Enrollment Services Center's operations, at a time when the State was considering a centralized enrollment service center for all BadgerCare recipients. HealthWatch Wisconsin followed the Audit Report in this episode of the HealthWatch Wisconsin WatchDog.

Now that the Department of Health Services has announced its proposed cuts to state Medicaid programs, HealthWatch Wisconsin asks the questions:

  • Where is the rest of the Medicaid audit?
  • Without its results, did DHS have enough information before making its proposal?
  • Do legislative members of the Joint Finance Committee conducting their passive review have enough information to review the proposed cuts?
  • Can Wisconsin consumers evaluate proposed cuts without the independent audit opinion?

HealthWatch Wisconsin will continue to follow up with these questions, and will report back any findings in future editions of the Update.

Update-Consumer Assistance Grant Termination

State Claims Board Hearing

On Tuesday, October 11, 2011, ABC for Health attorneys Bobby Peterson and Erin McBride appeared before the State Claims Board, a board of equity, to address the early, unexpected termination of ABC’s Consumer Assistance Program grant by the Office of the Commissioner of Insurance (OCI) back in March. The State Claims Board is comprised of five members, representing the Department of Administration, Department of Justice, the Office of the Governor, a State Representative, and a State Senator. At the beginning of the hearing, Brian Hagedorn, the representative of the Governor’s office, recused himself, as the claim by ABC included the Governor's office and the WI Department of Health Services in addition to OCI. Julie Walsh appeared for the Commissioner of Insurance.

Bobby Peterson presented arguments of fairness and equity against OCI's decision to terminate the grant contract. He stated OCI summarily terminated the Consumer Assistance Grant without any discussion, call for clarification, face-to-face meeting or other negotiation, as one would expect when doing business with the State of Wisconsin. Instead, a political decision to return federal money associated with health care reform efforts was made without any opportunity to discuss the successes of the project. In fact, OCI's internal communications indicated that it expected ABC to do work under the contract, even though it knew it was going to end the project.  

Further, Bobby argued that OCI’s decision, articulated as a waste of taxpayer money in the press, was without cause and without any equitable consideration, citing the fact that OCI and the State of Wisconsin had accepted other federal grants such as a rate review and an early innovator exchange grant. Moreover, he noted the consumer assistance grant would have been a perfect supplement to those other grants. As a result of the contract termination, consumers are left with no assistance for much needed advocacy and troubleshooting with public and private health benefits. A decision is expected from the Claims Board within the next few weeks.

For more information on the history of this issue, please refer to ABC for Health's consumer assistance grant webpage.

New Changes to HIRSP Federal Plan

The HIRSP Authority will soon be announcing a significant change to the HIRSP Federal Plan.

Currently, if you are applying to Wisconsin's Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan (HIRSP) because of your medical condition, include copies of letters received in the past nine months from insurers for at least one of the following, based wholly or partially on medical underwriting considerations:

  • Notice of rejection from one or more insurers
  • A notice of cancellation
  • A notice of significant reduction of coverage
  • A notice of an increase in your premium of 50% or more

Beginning on October 20, HIRSP will be able to accept letters from physicians stating that applicants for HIRSP Federal (not the State HIRSP plan) have one of many conditions that will be listed on HIRSP's website, Applicants will be able to provide this letter in lieu of a rejection letter from a private insurance carrier. This change will be for effective dates beginning on November 1, 2011. While this change is expected to make it easier and quicker for applicants to apply for HIRSP Federal, it unfortunately cannot be applied to the State HIRSP plans without a change to state law.

Also, please don't forget, HIRSP enrollees have the option to change their HIRSP deductible plan each year, which affects premiums and out-of-pocket costs. If you are receiving HIRSP coverage or work with those who do, please be aware that the application to change plans must be received by HIRSP by November 1, 2011. If you are content with your current plan, you do not have to do anything.

HealthWatch News

Now Open: Nominations for HealthWatch Wisconsin's Annual Awards!

Today, October 17, 2011, HealthWatch Wisconsin will be accepting nominations for the Third Annual HealthWatch Awards to be presented at the HealthWatch Wisconsin annual conference luncheon on Tuesday, February 28, 2012. The Health Watch Wisconsin council seeks to recognize outstanding work in healthcare advocacy and service in the following categories:

  • Advocate of the Year
  • Elected Official of the Year
  • Outstanding Outreach Effort Award
  • Outstanding Media Coverage Award

To nominate someone for an award, send an email to HealthWatch Wisconsin with your name and workplace, the nominee’s name and workplace, and why you think the nominee deserves to be recognized, in 250 words or fewer. To view last year’s winners, Click Here.

Join the Leadership of HealthWatch

Nominate a friend, colleague, public health hero of yours (or yourself) for the HealthWatch Wisconsin Council, the leadership committee of HealthWatch Wisconsin! We will compile nominations and prepare a ballot for the Annual HealthWatch Wisconsin conference February 27 & 28, 2012. To make your nomination, please email HealthWatch Wisconsin with your nominee's name, workplace, email and phone number.

NEW: Core Plan Waiting List "Counter"

One hundred eight thousand, six hundred and three people, and counting

This number represents the number of childless adults in Wisconsin sitting on the BadgerCare Plus Core Plan Waiting List as of 12:00pm on September 27, 2011. These individuals should be effectively screened by the Department of Health Services/Enrollment Services Center upon entering the abyss of the waiting list for different health coverage programs, including, but not limited to, Elderly, Blind and Disabled Medicaid, Medicaid Assistance Purchase Plan, HIRSP, or SSI/SSDI.

Help Keep the Counter Current! Click Here to email HealthWatch Wisconsin with the number you or the individual you are helping has on the waiting list. Please tell us the waiting list number, and the time/date you applied.

Keeping Count: The BadgerCare Plus "Counter"

When the BadgerCare+ Express traveled Wisconsin educating families and advocates on BadgerCare Plus, we did a lot of "myth-busting!" One of our main messages was "BadgerCare Plus for Children, Families and Pregnant women is still an option for families," despite frozen enrollment for the Core and Basic Plans. The HealthWatch Update staff is keeping an eye on BadgerCare Plus enrollment for children, adults/caretakers, and pregnant women. As numbers are made available, we will update them here:

Seven hundred forty eight thousand, eight hundred and fifty-two children, adult/caretakers and pregnant women are enrolled in BadgerCare Plus as of the end of September 2011. (This number does not include adults on the BadgerCare Plus Core Plan.)

Case Tip

Non-Citizens and HIRSP

Individuals with pre-existing conditions may have a hard time finding an insurance company that will offer them a plan. This search is even harder for non-citizens. Many individuals may consider turning to HIRSP, the Health Insurance Risk Sharing Plan, which offers insurance to individuals who have received a private insurance denial due to a medical condition. Both the HIRSP Federal Plan (for individuals who have been uninsured for at least 6 months) and the HIRSP State Plan require applicants to be legally present in the United States.  For the State HIRSP pool, the applicant can provide one of the following three documents for verification: driver’s license/state ID, voter registration, or state tax return.

Example: Chris moved to the US a year ago to work, but he does not have a work visa or any other documents. Chris is uninsured, has a mild heart condition, and is looking for a plan through HIRSP. Chris would not be eligible to apply for HIRSP as he is not lawfully present in the US. If Chris had a work visa, he could apply for federal HIRSP.

Coalition Roundup

Click here for a list of upcoming coalition meetings.

The Chippewa County HealthWatch Coalition meets next on Tuesday, November 8 at the Chippewa County Courthouse. The coalition is welcoming Jaime Lawrence-Olson, assistant executive director and prevention services program coordinator for Positive Alternatives, Inc., a multi-service nonprofit serving youth and families in Wisconsin.  After November, the coalition's next meeting won't be until January 10, 2012. .For more information about the Chippewa County HealthWatch Coalition, please contact Rose Marsh.

The Dane County HealthWatch Coalition has its next meeting on November 7, the Monday following the November 3 HealthWatch Workshop. The steering committee has yet to finalize its speaker, but the group is still putting together questions for LogistiCare, as well as updates on DHS's proposed changes. The steering committee nomination process will conclude at the November 7 meeting, as well, with the election of a new steering committee member. For more information about Dane County HealthWatch, please contact Adam VanSpankeren.

The Eau Claire County HealthWatch Coalition will meet on November 3, 2011 at the Luther Hospital Cafeteria and are welcoming speaker Kari Francois, the community relations coordinator for Heritage Senior Living. She will be speaking on the Chippewa Valley Assisted Living Association (CVALA), a collaborative group of area professionals committed to providing education, resources and tools to help folks simply the search for assisted living in Eau Claire, Wisconsin. For more information on the Eau Claire County HealthWatch Coalition, please contact Lou Kelsey.

The Milwaukee HealthWatch Coalition met on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at Aurora Family Service. Brad Holman from the Southeastern CYSHCN Regional Center presented on policy for children and youth with special health care needs and some of the regional center's current projects. Like Dane County HealthWatch, the group is tracking many issues, including DHS's proposed changes to MA and BadgerCare programs. Milwaukee HealthWatch would also like people to be aware that this week is Homeless Awareness Week with many projects planned, including Thursday's Project Homeless Connect. If you would like to volunteer or for more information on Milwaukee HealthWatch, please contact Julie Dixon-Seidl or (414) 773-4646.

The Pierce County HealthWatch Coalition last met on September 15, when they heard from Jena Most, a public health nurse who works with the Wisconsin Well Woman Program and Family Planning Only Services. The group also got an update on changes coming to economic support in Pierce County from ES worker Chris Tuenge. The coalition will convene again on January 19 from 9 to 11, likely at a new location. Stay tuned to the HealthWatch Wisconsin Update for more details. For more information about the Pierce County HealthWatch Coalition, please contact Lisa Raethke.

The Tri-County HealthWatch Coalition subcommittees will be meeting this month. The patient navigation committee, the data collection committee, and the advocacy subcommittee will convene on Tuesday, October 25th to work on various access to care and coverage issues for the Tri-County area, including a report card for Tri-County, reminiscent of the county health rankings, but in more detail. The committees will report back to the full coalition when it meets again on November 22. For more information about the Tri-County HealthWatch Coalition, contact Susan Garcia Franz or Connie Raether.

3 C's for CYSHCN!

"Competency, Capacity, & Coordination" 

Ask a Good Question...

“I’ve heard about the new autism mandate in Wisconsin. How does that mandate affect children who are already covered through the Children’s Long Term Support Waiver Program (“the Autism waiver”) or who are on the waiting list for the waiver program?

...Get a Good Answer!

To answer this question, we should first turn to the statutes and regulations behind the mandate.  The autism mandate appears in a Wisconsin Statute. This rule, which became effective on November 1, 2009, requires that insurance companies regulated by state law must cover evidenced-based therapy services for individuals with autism spectrum disorders (autism disorder, Asperger’s syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise classified) when provided by certain qualified providers. It is clear after reading that statute that the mandate applies to private health insurance plans only. Therefore, any coverage a child has through a family member’s employer will serve as primary coverage. Any benefits a child has through a Medicaid program (such as the CLTS Waiver, Katie Beckett, or BadgerCare Plus, for example) will serve as secondary coverage. If the employer's plan requires cost sharing, the CLTS Waiver Program may help cover these costs.  

The Office of the Commissioner of Insurance has issued regulations interpreting the statute, which can be found in the Wisconsin Administrative Code.

Questions on this Answer?

Still not sure? Have another question? Send us an email! We may address emailed questions in the next edition of the Update Newsletter.

Events of Interest:

CYSHCN Resources:
Katie Beckett
CYSHCN centers
Maternal and Child Health Services
Family Voices
Parent to Parent

Formerly known as the "CKSN Corner," this re-designed section will feature a new Q & A each month with tips unique to working with children and youth with special health care needs, information on upcoming trainings exclusive for CYSHCN collaborators, and a link to a new calendar format.

Is there an event missing from our list? Let us know! Email us with events, directions and details other collaborators may like to attend.

Finding Your Way: A Navigation Guide for Wisconsin Families Who Have Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and Disabilities has been published. Download a pdf version of the booklet here.

The National Youth Leadership Network announces their new curriculum: Reap What You Sow: Harvesting Support Systems Curriculum Training Packages. Reap What You Sow brings youth and adults together to build support systems. For more information, click here.

October 20 and November 3. Did you know? Now you know! Waisman Outreach Office, 122 E. Olin Ave., Madison, WI. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Training for parents, foster parents, caregivers and providers on health care and community services and supports for children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Meet other families and become more informed and empowered to get the services and supports your child needs! To register, call 800-532-3221 or email Susan at

October 21-22, December 2-3, January 13-14, February 10-11, March 23-24. Parents in Partnership: A Leadership Development Opportunity for Parents of Children with Disabilities. 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center, 1001 Amber Ave., Stevens Point, WI. Parents and guardians must attend all five sessions. For more information, contact Martha DeYoung at 800-862-3725 or

October 21-22, December 2-3, January 20-21, February 24-25, March 23-24. Parents in Partnership: A Leadership Development Opportunity for Parents of Children with Disabilities Going Through the Transition Process. 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday at the Country Springs Hotel & Conference Center, 2810 Golf Road, Waukesha, WI. Parents and guardians must attend all five sessions. For more information, contact Jenny Neugart at 608-266-8778 or

October 24. Did you know? Now you know! Jefferson County Health/Human Services Department, 1541 Annex Road, Jefferson WI. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Training for parents, foster parents, caregivers and providers on health care and community services and supports for children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Meet other families and become more informed and empowered to get the services and supports your child needs! To register, call 800-234-5437 or email Brad at

November 4-5, January 13-14, February 24-25, April 20-21. Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment. 5 p.m. Fridays ending by 3 p.m. on Saturdays at the Tundra Lodge Resort & Conference Center, Green Bay, WI. Youth, parents and guardians must attend all five sessions. For more information, contact Martha DeYoung at 800-862-3725 or

November 5. Did you know? Now you know! ADRC of Manitowoc County, 4319 Expo Drive, Manitowoc, WI. 9:00am-12:00pm. Training for parents, foster parents, caregivers and providers on health care and community services and supports for children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Meet other families and become more informed and empowered to get the services and supports your child needs! To register, call 877-568-5205 or email Kara at

November 8-9. Fourth Annual Self-Determination Conference. Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells. There will be lots of hands-on sessions on navigating adult systems, getting more involved in the community, supported employment and more. The $75 registration fee includes meals and materials. For more info, click here.

December 2-3, January 20-21, February 17-18, March 30-31. Parents in Partnership: A Leadership Development Opportunity for Parents of Children with Disabilities. 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday at Paradise Shores Conference Center, 26364 County Hwy. M, Holcombe, WI. Parents and guardians must attend all five sessions. For more information, contact Ruth Adix at 715-864-3014 or

A Training Announcement for All CYSHCN Collaborators: The Next CYSHCN Live Web Cast is Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 10:00am

Topic: "Rules Governing Health Coverage for CYSHCN: From Handbooks to Federal Statutes"

When determining if a service for a child was improperly denied coverage, whether a therapy visit, durable medical equipment or prescription, where do you look first to double check? A Medicaid Handbook? A private insurance plan document? A state mandate, statute, rule? Federal statute, plan amendment or waiver? In this webcast, we will start with a few simple examples that help navigate the "governing mechanisms" of both private and public coverage systems. Learning objectives for this training include, how to:

  • Identify and keep different coverage systems straight and understand which rules govern which coverage system.
  • Become more familiar with the Medicaid Handbook.
  • Learn some of the laws and regulations of both private and public benefits.
  • Achieve the goal of understanding legal rights and responsibilities.
  • Know community referral sources for additional information, resources and guidance on laws and statutes.

This web cast training was selected by YOU! Thank you! Through the competency self-assessment survey, you indicated that you wanted to learn more about the interaction of public and private health coverage programs for children.

Watch your inbox for a confirmation of the date and time, future instructions, and login information! This is a live web cast, so you are able to participate, ask questions, and answer polls. Not able to join the live web cast? Don't worry, we'll share the archive link with you, and hope that you can join us again in the future.

State & National News


Milwaukee County 8th District, Oct. 17, 2011
District Supervisor Patricia Jursik, a member of the newly formed Aging and Disability Resource Center Governing Board in Milwaukee County, released a statement concerning  services for the elderly and disabled in Milwaukee County.

The Untimely Death of Long-Term Health Insurance
Robert Reich, Oct. 15, 2011
If a public insurance system has minimum benefits and must pay for itself, it can’t be voluntary. Everyone has to sign up.

‘Strengthening Our Nursing Homes Act’ AB-302 Receives Hearing
WHCA/WiCal, Oct. 14, 2011
Members and staff of the Wisconsin Health Care Association (WHCA) and the Wisconsin Center for Assisted Living (WiCAL) testified in favor of the “Strengthening Our Nursing Homes Act,” designed to eliminate the practice of penalizing nursing facilities for the same incident both under state and federal regulations, in a public hearing at the State Capitol on Thursday.

Department of Health Services, Oct. 14, 2011
DHS Secretary Dennis G. Smith and Deputy Secretary Kitty Rhoades will hold a Town Hall meeting in Milwaukee on Friday, October 21, to collect input from consumers, community partners, and providers on Medicaid efficiencies and cost-savings initiatives recently released by the Department.

Sen. Vinehout: Exchange Tackles Health Costs for Individuals & Small Businesses
Sen. Vinehout, Oct. 13, 2011
Senator Kathleen Vinehout (D-Alma) released her bill to create affordable health insurance exchanges for small businesses and individuals. The bill will increase benefit choices and make clear comparisons possible when buying health insurance.

For Brown County Seniors, Affordable Care Act Brings Free Preventive Care & Medication Discounts
Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans and Know Your Care Wisconsin, Oct. 13, 2011
The Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans and Know Your Care Wisconsin held a forum at the Brown County Senior Center to promote the many benefits for seniors available under the Affordable Care Act.

Restoring access to women’s healthcare
Wisconsin Radio Network, Oct. 12, 2011
Assembly Democrats introduced three legislation initiatives to restore women’s access to healthcare.

Medicare Open Enrollment begins Saturday -- seniors have more benefits, better choices, lower costs
Dept. of Health and Human Services, Oct. 12, 2011
The Medicare Open Enrollment Period -- which began on Saturday, October 15 – has been expanded to last seven weeks and will end on December 7.

Opinion- Reactions to 2011-2013 Medicaid Efficiencies Proposals
Survival Coalition of Wisconsin Disability Organizations, Oct. 11, 2011
Survival Coalition released a statement detailing cost-cutting proposals they support and oppose.

DHS Proposed Changes to Medicaid Harmful to Working Families & State’s Economy
Save BadgerCare Coalition, Oct. 10, 2011
Save BadgerCare Coalition requests deadline expansion and real opportunity for extensive review and public input.

Effect of regulating Wisconsin health insurance rates uncertain
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Oct. 8, 2011
Premium increases are largely driven by rising health care costs, and Wisconsin regulators by law cannot reject or deny a rate increase unless they determine that the market is not competitive. So a health insurer would be able to raise rates, even if state regulators deem the increase unreasonable.

Department of Health Services: No timeline for lifting Family Care enrollment cap
Postcrescent, Oct. 8, 2011
There's no timeline for lifting an enrollment cap on a popular state program designed to keep elderly and disabled people in their homes, despite a quickly growing waiting list of several thousand people.

ABC for Health’s Bobby Peterson weighs in on proposed Medicaid, BadgerCare Plus changes
Here and Now, Wisconsin Public Television, Oct. 7, 2011
Anchor Frederica Freyberg takes an in-depth look at changes to Medicaid proposed by Dept. of Health Services Sec. Dennis Smith. Bobby Peterson offers his takes on the changes to Wisconsin's Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus program.

New position created to root out Medicaid fraud
GazetteXtra, Oct. 6, 2011
Walker says the Office of the Inspector General will consolidate and improve the department’s current fraud prevention efforts that are spread throughout the agency.

Editorial: Health care crisis only getting worse
Postcrescent, Oct. 6, 2011
While premium costs are going up and employees are paying a greater share of them, they're also paying more out-of-pocket for other costs, but getting less coverage for their money.

Dept. of Health Services, Oct. 6, 2011
The Wisconsin Medicaid EHR Incentive Program is open to eligible Medicaid professionals. To be eligible for the Medicaid EHR Incentive Program, providers and hospitals must have a record of serving a minimum number of Medicaid members as they worked toward incorporating certified EHRs into their procedures.

Wisconsinites Saving Millions With Free Preventive Care and Discounts On Prescription Drugs Under Affordable Care Act
Know Your Care, Oct. 6, 2011
The Center for Medicare & Medicaid Services released new data demonstrating that steadily increasing numbers of seniors and people with disabilities enrolled in Medicare in Wisconsin are seeing reduced health care costs and taking advantage of free preventive care services as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

Governor Walker: Medicaid cuts will preserve safety net
The Northwestern, Oct. 5, 2011
State health officials released a series of proposals designed to generate $554.4 million in Medicaid savings. The centerpiece calls for winning a federal waiver that would allow the state to stiffen eligibility requirements for people with some employer-based insurance and force young people to join their parents' insurance.

More than 3,500 in BadgerCare Basic face big premium increase
Wisconsin State Journal, Oct. 5, 2011
The approximately 3,552 people on the program for adults without young children, known as BadgerCare Basic, are required to pay premiums of $325 as of Nov. 1.

FoodShare Handbook Updated
Department of Health Services, Oct. 2011

Click here for more health care news!

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Copyright © 2011 ABC for Health, Inc. All rights reserved. No reprint without permission.

HealthWatch Wisconsin is a project of ABC for Health, Inc.
Update Staff:
Bobby Peterson, Executive Director
Brynne McBride, Assistant Director
Adam VanSpankeren, Education and Outreach Coordinator
Evan Benner, Publications Assistant

Previous Issues