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Medicaid on the Chopping Block

On a Friday afternoon, on the cusp of one of the busiest sports weekends in Wisconsin history, the Department of Health Services opened the lid on a squirming can of worms--details on new, drastic Medicaid budget cuts. The proposal put forth requires tens of thousands of Wisconsin families to pay more for their health care coverage.

Outlined in the cuts are unprecedented reductions in benefits and services for families above 100% of the federal poverty level. Creating the "Alternative Benchmark Plan," DHS is asking families above 100% FPL (equivalent to a family of 4 making approximately $22,000 a year) to participate in increased cost sharing with a reduced benefits package. More than 200,000 individuals could be impacted by these proposed changes. Families making 150% FPL would also pay increased premiums. In fact, if you have "access" to private insurance, you will not be eligible for BadgerCare if you contribute less than 9.5% of your household income to that coverage. (For a family of 3 at approximately 150% FPL, premiums will increase 2100%.)  Failure to pay a timely premium would bar you from the program for a year.

The sports weekend is over and we need to pay attention.

Additional details of the proposal show how Wisconsin will seek changes to the federal “maintenance of effort” requirements. These changes include restricting BadgerCare Plus from anyone who has access to private insurance, re-calculating family incomes, eliminating backdating on applications, increasing premiums, allowing for faster terminations of policies, restricting 19-26 year olds from BadgerCare Plus, instantly denying BadgerCare Plus if verifications are late, and more.

Running Out of Time: Waiver Not Yet Submitted

The DHS Waiver Request has not yet been submitted to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Once submitted, CMS must approve the request, deny it or formally request more information within 90 days. Oh, and recall, the state budget says that if the waiver isn’t approved by Dec. 31, 2011, those parents on BadgerCare Plus and adults on the Core Plan above 133% FPL will be dropped.

Vol. 7, No. 18
October 3, 2011

In This Issue:

Medicaid on the Chopping Block

Registration Now Open: 5 Things to Watch!

BadgerCare Premium Increase

HealthWatch News


NEW! Core Plan Waiting List Counter!

Case Tip

Coalition Roundup

3 C's for CYSHCN!

Ops Memos

State & National News

On our Website:
HealthWatch Membership
Upcoming Coalition Meetings

Footage of Public Hearings: The Human Impact of BadgerCare Plus

Holding Parents & Core Plan Members "Hostage"

Back in Wisconsin, the Walker Administration set a Dec. 31 deadline for getting approval of a waiver from the federal government. If not approved, the state will drop 53,000 adults currently on BadgerCare Plus programs who earn more than the 133% FPL.

HealthWatch Wisconsin will be reviewing the proposed cuts, those that need federal permission and those that can be implemented after a simple passive review by the Joint Finance Committee, and will be providing feedback in an edition of the HealthWatch WatchDog and on its website over the next few days.

Registration is Now Open!

HealthWatch Wisconsin's "5 Things to Watch" Fall Workshop

Register today for HealthWatch Wisconsin's fall workshop called "5 Things to Watch in Wisconsin." From the Wisconsin Department of Health Service's Federal waiver request to progress on Wisconsin's new private health insurance exchange, join knowledgeable speakers and special guests in Madison.

What: HealthWatch Wisconsin's "5 Things to Watch" Workshop

When: Thursday, November 3, 2011, 9:30am-12:00pm

Where: Boys & Girls Club of Dane County Allied Family Center, 4619 Jenewein Road, Madison, WI

Register: Register Online, Download a Registration Form, or Call: 800-585-4222 ext. 204

Cost: Discounted rate of $15 for HealthWatch members and subscribers. Other rates apply for non-members.

Discounts are available for HealthWatch members and subscribers! The workshop will occur in tandem with the fall meeting of the HealthWatch Wisconsin Council, the leadership of the statewide HealthWatch organization. Click here to register. Please visit the HealthWatch Wisconsin website for more details!

BadgerCare Plus Basic Premium Increase-Again

Program costs continue to increase as only the highest cost patients remain on the plan

All BadgerCare Plus Basic Plan members received a letter last week informing them that premiums for the Basic Plan will be increasing yet again. This is the third premium increase in the last 6 months. The Basic Plan was originally designed to be completely self-funded, but as people who cannot afford the premiums fall off of the program - and the sickest and most desperate remain - the costs will continue to increase. An individual on the BadgerCare Plus Basic Plan with an income at 100% FPL will easily be paying 35.8% of his monthly income in Basic Plan premiums.

This announcement was made only by letter to current Basic Plan members, not by an Operations Memo or other public notice, as in the past. The premium increase will begin with the November benefit month. The first $325 premium will be due on October 5.

BadgerCare Plus Basic Plan Premiums

HealthWatch News

Congrats to our Packer Ticket Winner!

Congratulations, BRENDA of MADISON, our most recent HealthWatch Wisconsin Green Bay Packer Ticket Prize Drawing WINNER! We hope you enjoyed watching the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers as they defeated the Denver Broncos on October 2, 2011! HealthWatch Wisconsin will be holding one more drawing before the year is done. Join as an individual HealthWatch Wisconsin member to be eligible for two indoor deluxe club seat tickets to see the Green Bay Packers play the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Sunday November 20, 2011!

"Introduction to Private Insurance: Health Reform" has been added to the HealthWatch Wisconsin On Demand Training Portal!

If you enjoyed our last two web cast presentations introducing issues in private insurance, visit the HealthWatch Training Portal to watch the final training in our three-part series! Now Available FREE for Members of HealthWatch Wisconsin: "An Introduction to Private Insurance, Part 3" presented by Public Interest Attorney Bobby Peterson.  In this training, learn or refresh your memory on: 

  • Health Reform Changes Impacting Children
  • Consumer Protections in Health Reform
  • The Buying and Selling of Insurance, Including Exchanges
  • Medicaid Expansions
  • And More!

This current training is an introductory, basic level training appropriate for all learning levels.

HealthWatch Wisconsin's Skill Meter

HealthWatch Members and Subscribers are able to access on demand training content, free of charge, a benefit of HealthWatch Wisconsin. Members and Subscribers can login to the HealthWatch Training Portal to view training content. Having trouble logging in? Give us a call! 1-800-585-4222 ext. 204.

Watch your inbox for an announcement on our "Introduction to Private Insurance, Part 3," a training entirely devoted to the impact of health reform on private health insurance in Wisconsin.


Are You Having Trouble Applying for Medicaid Online?

It has been brought to our attention recently that those trying to apply for Medicaid online using or are attempting to renew their Medicaid application online are getting “error message” and other such warnings when they attempt to log-in to their accounts or when they hit “submit” on their applications. The HealthWatch Update staff would like to hear from you:

  • Are you experiencing any such “technical difficulties?”
  • Are you getting a warning message or an error that says you have “Timed-out” or hit a “Forbidden area?”

If so, please let us know WHAT error messages you see, WHEN the message appears (upon hitting “Submit” or when you “Pay a Premium,” or other examples), and HOW frequently you see these errors!

ABC for Health's Bobby Peterson Wins Advocacy Award!

Congratulations to Bobby Peterson, public interest attorney and Executive Director of ABC for Health. Bobby is the 2011 recipient of the Sally Sunde Family Advocate Award. This award, presented by Community Shares of Wisconsin is given to an individual whose work has had significant impact on the lives of children and families.

NEW: Core Plan Waiting List "Counter"

One hundred eight thousand, six hundred and three people, and counting

This number represents the number of childless adults in Wisconsin sitting on the BadgerCare Plus Core Plan Waiting List as of 12:00pm on September 27, 2011. These individuals should be effectively screened by the Department of Health Services/Enrollment Services Center upon entering the abyss of the waiting list for different health coverage programs, including, but not limited to, Elderly, Blind and Disabled Medicaid, Medicaid Assistance Purchase Plan, HIRSP, or SSI/SSDI.

Help Keep the Counter Current! Click Here to email HealthWatch Wisconsin with the number you or the individual you are helping has on the waiting list. Please tell us the waiting list number, and the time/date you applied.

Keeping Count: The BadgerCare Plus "Counter"

When the BadgerCare+ Express traveled Wisconsin educating families and advocates on BadgerCare Plus, we did a lot of "myth-busting!" One of our main messages was "BadgerCare Plus for Children, Families and Pregnant women is still an option for families," despite frozen enrollment for the Core and Basic Plans. The HealthWatch Update staff is keeping an eye on BadgerCare Plus enrollment for children, adults/caretakers, and pregnant women. As numbers are made available, we will update them here:

Seven hundred forty seven thousand, seven hundred and seventy-eight children, adult/caretakers and pregnant women are enrolled in BadgerCare Plus as of the end of August 2011. (This number does not include adults on the BadgerCare Plus Core Plan.)

Case Tip

BadgerCare Plus for Pregnant Women: When Does Pregnancy Coverage “End?" (Part 1)

Pregnant women applying for BadgerCare Plus coverage will be asked to verify their income in the month they apply. The county economic support worker will test that household income against an income limit specifically for pregnant women. For pregnant citizens and pregnant lawful permanent residents, that limit is 300% FPL. (Note, pregnant women may exceed this limit, but would be responsible for meeting a deductible.) These FPL limits are important, as they differ quite drastically from the FPL limits for parents. Once a citizen woman delivers, she is no longer considered a pregnant woman, and thus she must meet BadgerCare Plus financial eligibility rules for parents.  Parents under BadgerCare Plus cannot exceed 200% FPL.

It is possible, however, to have BadgerCare Plus benefits continue past the date of delivery. After delivery, a new mother will receive 60 days of the same BadgerCare Plus coverage the mom had while pregnant. Once the end of the month in which the 60th day comes, the new mom won’t lose coverage—instead, the county economic support worker will re-verify the mom’s income. If the new mom’s income exceeds 200% FPL, then she will lose coverage; if her income falls under 200% FPL, she will continue with BadgerCare Plus coverage.

For Example: Lucy applied for BadgerCare Plus as a pregnant women, US citizen. Her household income was 250% FPL when she applied. She was found eligible for BadgerCare Plus as a pregnant woman. Lucy had a baby girl on April 8, 2011. Lucy will continue to have coverage until June 30th (the end of the month in which the 60th day post partum occurs.) Since she is now a parent and the new FPL limit to meet is 200%, after her 60 days of post partum coverage ends, the county she lives in will at that time re-determine her eligibility. Lucy’s income in July is the same as it was when she applied for BadgerCare Plus, 250% FPL. She is over income for benefits, and thus loses BadgerCare Plus.  (Lucy’s newborn daughter will not lose benefits, but will have BadgerCare Plus Benchmark Plan coverage.)

Coalition Roundup

Click here for a list of upcoming coalition meetings.

The Chippewa County HealthWatch Coalition met on Tuesday, September 13, 2011 at the Chippewa County Courthouse. Kay Hebert, a Disability Benefits Specialist from Chippewa County's Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) was the speaker. The next meeting of Chippewa County HealthWatch will be on November 8, 2011 and the speaker will be announced in the next edition of the Update.For more information about the Chippewa County HealthWatch Coalition, please contact Rose Marsh.

The Dane County HealthWatch met Monday, October 03, 2011 at the Waisman Community Outreach Center in Madison. The coalition welcomed Jon Peacock, research director for the Wisconsin Council for Children and Families, who gave an in-depth first look at DHS’s proposed cost-cutting initiatives for Medicaid and BadgerCare Plus. Dane County HealthWatch members also discussed questions to take to LogistiCare. Finally, the group went through the process of nominating new members for the steering committee. The voting for new steering committee members will take place at the November 7th meeting. For more information about Dane County HealthWatch, please contact Adam VanSpankeren.

The Eau Claire County HealthWatch Coalition met on September 1, 2011 at the Luther Hospital Cafeteria. The speaker was Jane Mahoney, an Elderly Benefits Specialist from the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) in Dunn County. She spoke about Medicare Savings Plans, Medicare Part D, and the Affordable Care Act and its effects on seniors.  She also discussed the Medicare Preventive Services. The next meeting of Eau Claire County HealthWatch is November 3, 2011 at the Luther Hospital Cafeteria. For more information on the Eau Claire County HealthWatch Coalition, please contact Lou Kelsey.

The Milwaukee HealthWatch Coalition is meeting on Wednesday, October 12, 2011 at Aurora Family Service. Brad Holman from the Southeastern CYSHCN Regional Center will be the speaker, discussing policy for children and youth with special health care needs and some of the regional center's current projects. Like Dane County HealthWatch, the group will be diving into questions for LogistiCare, as well. For more information, please contact Julie Dixon-Seidl or (414) 773-4646

The Pierce County HealthWatch Coalition met September 15, 2011 at 8:30am at the Crossroads Church in Ellsworth. Pierce County HealthWatch's steering committee will meet immediately following the meeting to discuss evaluations from coalition members and begin planning projects. For more information about the Pierce County HealthWatch Coalition, please contact Lisa Raethke.

The Tri-County HealthWatch Coalition met on Tuesday, September 27, 2011 at the Goodwill Community Center in Menasha. Kevin Kane from Citizen Action came and spoke about the Wisconsin Health Care Stories Project. Tri-County's subcommittees will meet in October, and the full coalition will meet again in November. The coalition will be reaching out to community partners this fall, as well as looking for funding opportunities. For more information about the Tri-County HealthWatch Coalition, contact Susan Garcia Franz or Connie Raether.

3 C's for CYSHCN!

"Competency, Capacity, & Coordination" 

Ask a Good Question...

Can a hospital bill Medicaid if the claim is more than 365 days old?

...Get a Good Answer!

From our experience and practice, the answer appears to be yes. The hospital must first submit the claim on paper (which is actually an unusual request for hospitals to do.) This request is sent by the hospital to HP, formerly known as "EDS" with a cover letter explaining when the hospital found out the patient had benefits (in most cases, benefits eligibility had to be corrected after being incorrectly entered in hospital billing) and how far back the eligibility would extend. Need help talking to a hospital about a bill? Call ABC for Health: 1-800-585-4222.

Questions on this Answer?

Still not sure? Send us an email! We will address all emailed questions in our next edition of the Update Newsletter.

Events of Interest:

Please Click Here to visit a comprehensive listing of events of particular interest to those working with CYSHCN. Is there an event missing from our list? Let us know! Email us with events, directions and details other collaborators may like to attend.

Events of Interest to CYSHCN:

Finding Your Way: A Navigation Guide for Wisconsin Families Who Have Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and Disabilities has been published. Download a pdf version of the booklet here.

The National Youth Leadership Network announces their new curriculum: Reap What You Sow: Harvesting Support Systems Curriculum Training Packages. Reap What You Sow brings youth and adults together to build support systems. For more information, click here.

CYSHCN Resources:
Katie Beckett
CYSHCN centers
Maternal and Child Health Services
Family Voices
Parent to Parent

Formerly known as the "CKSN Corner," this re-designed section will feature a new Q & A each month with tips unique to working with children and youth with special health care needs, information on upcoming trainings exclusive for CYSHCN collaborators, and a link to a new calendar format.

October 4. Did you know? Now you know! Marathon County Health Department, 1200 Lakeview Drive, Wausau, WI. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Training for parents, foster parents, caregivers and providers on health care and community services and supports for children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Meet other families and become more informed and empowered to get the services and supports your child needs! To register, call 866-640-4106 or email Julia at

October 7-8, November 4-5, January 13-14, February 24-25, April 20-21. Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment. 5 p.m. Fridays ending by 3 p.m. on Saturdays at the Tundra Lodge Resort & Conference Center, Green Bay, WI. Youth, parents and guardians must attend all five sessions. For more information, contact Martha DeYoung at 800-862-3725 or

October 14-15, December 2-3, January 20-21, February 17-18, March 30-31. Parents in Partnership: A Leadership Development Opportunity for Parents of Children with Disabilities. 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday at Paradise Shores Conference Center, 26364 County Hwy. M, Holcombe, WI. Parents and guardians must attend all five sessions. For more information, contact Ruth Adix at 715-864-3014 or

October 20 and November 3. Did you know? Now you know! Waisman Outreach Office, 122 E. Olin Ave., Madison, WI. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Training for parents, foster parents, caregivers and providers on health care and community services and supports for children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Meet other families and become more informed and empowered to get the services and supports your child needs! To register, call 800-532-3221 or email Susan at

October 21-22, December 2-3, January 13-14, February 10-11, March 23-24. Parents in Partnership: A Leadership Development Opportunity for Parents of Children with Disabilities. 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Conference Center, 1001 Amber Ave., Stevens Point, WI. Parents and guardians must attend all five sessions. For more information, contact Martha DeYoung at 800-862-3725 or

October 21-22, December 2-3, January 20-21, February 24-25, March 23-24. Parents in Partnership: A Leadership Development Opportunity for Parents of Children with Disabilities Going Through the Transition Process. 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Friday and 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Saturday at the Country Springs Hotel & Conference Center, 2810 Golf Road, Waukesha, WI. Parents and guardians must attend all five sessions. For more information, contact Jenny Neugart at 608-266-8778 or

October 24. Did you know? Now you know! Jefferson County Health/Human Services Department, 1541 Annex Road, Jefferson WI. 5:30-8:30 p.m. Training for parents, foster parents, caregivers and providers on health care and community services and supports for children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Meet other families and become more informed and empowered to get the services and supports your child needs! To register, call 800-234-5437 or email Brad at

November 5. Did you know? Now you know! ADRC of Manitowoc County, 4319 Expo Drive, Manitowoc, WI. 9:00am-12:00pm. Training for parents, foster parents, caregivers and providers on health care and community services and supports for children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Meet other families and become more informed and empowered to get the services and supports your child needs! To register, call 877-568-5205 or email Kara at

November 8-9. Fourth Annual Self-Determination Conference. Kalahari Resort, Wisconsin Dells. There will be lots of hands-on sessions on navigating adult systems, getting more involved in the community, supported employment and more. The $75 registration fee includes meals and materials. For more info, click here.

A Training Announcement for All CYSHCN Collaborators: The Next CYSHCN Live Web Cast is Thursday, October 27, 2011 at 10:00am

Topic: "Rules Governing Health Coverage for CYSHCN: From Handbooks to Federal Statutes"

When determining if a service for a child was inproperly denied coverage, whether a therapy visit, durable medical equipment or prescription, where do you look first to double check? A Medicaid Handbook? A private insurance plan document? A state mandate, statute, rule? Federal statute, plan amendment or waiver? In this webcast, we will start with a few simple examples that help navigate the "governing mechanisms" of both private and public coverage systems. Learning objectives for this training include, how to:

  • Identify and keep different coverage systems straight and understand which rules govern which coverage system.
  • Become more familiar with the Medicaid Handbook.
  • Learn some of the laws and regulations of both private and public benefits.
  • Achieve the goal of understanding legal rights and responsibilities.
  • Know community referral sources for additional information, resources and guidance on laws and statutes.

This web cast training was selected by YOU! Thank you! Through the competency self-assessment survey, you indicated that you wanted to learn more about the interaction of public and private health coverage programs for children.

Watch your inbox for a confirmation of the date and time, future instructions, and login information! This is a live web cast, so you are able to participate, ask questions, and answer polls. Not able to join the live web cast? Don't worry, we'll share the archive link with you, and hope that you can join us again in the future.

State & National News

Analysis and Comment

Wisconsin Receives Another Rate Review Grant, Disbands Committee

Wisconsin is one of 29 states receiving federal money in line with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). The amount of $3,958,844 is intended to improve rate review of proposed insurance premium hikes to prevent unreasonable increases and protect patients.

While the federal governement has no power to veto increases, individual states have some regulatory power. The grant will assist in improving technology and increasing the regulatory body to more efficiently review proposals and better determine whether increases are unreasonable.

The announcement of the grants on September 20 was followed by an announcement by the state's Joint Legislative Committee on September 27 of the decision to disband the Special Committee on Health Care Reform Implementation. The special committee was charged with studying and making recommendations for changes to state statutes and administration in preparation for provisions of health care reform. Wisconsin is one of 12 republican controlled states receiving this federal grant, of which some are suing to overturn PPACA.

Insurance companies are unhappy about improvements to rate review and regulation, claiming increases are necessary due to increase in underlying medical costs. Rate review allows states to examine proposed increases exceeding 10 percent to determine whether such hikes are justified or unnecessary. Beginning September 1, insurance companies are already required to post increases and full explanations to their websites, improving transparency.


Spillover Effects of Community Uninsurance on Working-age Adults and Seniors
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Sept. 2011
This article explores the indirect, or spillover, health care effects on people who are currently insured, specifically privately insured working-age adults (18 to 64) and Medicare enrollees (65 and older), when the community uninsurance rate is high.

Supreme Court to take on Health Care Reform, Oct. 3
One of the little-known prerogatives of the U.S. Supreme Court is the justices' discretion to refuse any case on the merits presented to them for review

Wis. To face $444M in Medicaid Funding Cuts
Badger Herald, Oct. 2
Health Services revealed plans late last week to cut an estimated $444 million from Medicaid in order to balance the state’s budget.

State Officials Announce Sweeping Medicaid, BadgerCare Changes, Oct. 1
Wisconsin health officials have released a sweeping package of sweeping Medicaid reforms designed to save more than half-a-billion dollars

State wants to shift some Medicaid recipients to lower-cost plans
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sept. 30
To fill a half-billion dollar budget hole in state health programs, Gov. Scott Walker's administration wants to raise premiums sharply for some families and shift hundreds of thousands of residents to lower-cost state plans or private plans.

Health Insurance Costs Rising Sharply this Year, Study Shows
New York Times, Sept. 27
A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation shows that the average annual premium for family coverage through an employer reached $15,073 in 2011, an increase of 9 percent over the previous year.

Beware late payments to BadgerCare Plus Basic
Wisconsin Radio Network, Sept. 26
State Senator Jim Holperin (D-Eagle River) says the state Department of Health Services is adamant about timely payments for BadgerCare Plus Basic. So much that late payments lead to loss of health care coverage.

Bartering for Health Care: Yardwork for Treatment
NPR, Sept. 26
True North Health Center in Falmouth, Maine, accepts "time dollars," in addition to real dollars. Patients perform services in the community, like raking leaves, to earn the currency, and they can spend it for care at True North.

Priceless preemies, costly care
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sept. 24
The tinier the babies, the greater the miracles - as well as the cost, both financial and emotional

Young Adults Make Gains In Health Coverage
Kaiser Health News, Sept. 22
New data indicate as many as a million young adults have signed up for health insurance in the last year, offering evidence that this 2010 health law benefit is proving to be popular.

Ten Questions To Ask Your Doctor
NPR, Sept. 21
Don't be afraid to ask about the cost of the treatment or test your doctor recommends. Depending on what you find out, go right ahead and haggle over the price or ask about less expensive options.

Preemies may face higher death rates as adults
Reuters, Joelving, Sept. 21
Health problems are common among premature babies, who are more likely to die than their full-term peers during the first few years of life -- and they may also face slightly increased death rates as young adults, a study said.

Groups come together to form statewide Healthy Choices Coalition to reduce barriers to dental care
Healthy Choices Coalition, Sept. 21
Coalition members urge creative steps to improve Wisconsin’s oral and overall health.

HHS Pushes State Partnerships For Insurance Exchanges
Kaiser Health News, Werber Serafini, Sept. 19
The federal government is worried that dozens of states may opt out of running these insurance marketplaces and leave that job for Washington.

States Head To DC With Questions About Health Insurance Exchanges
The Hill, Sept. 19
Leaders from the Health and Human Services Department will discuss exchanges with representatives from 46 states, Washington, D.C., and the territories.

Tackling rising health care costs - Now is the time to act
Sen. Kathleen Vinehout, Sept. 19
We can continue to fight the implementation of federal health care reform in court and in public discourse or we can carefully examine the options and create a new approach within the federal rubric using our unique Wisconsin ingenuity.

Connection Between High Percentage of Minority Trauma Patients and Increased Mortality
Archives of Surgery, Sept. 19
Patients treated at hospitals with higher proportions of minority trauma patients have increased odds of dying, even after adjusting for potential confounders.

ABC for Health: Opposes AB 210, an insurance bill rolling back consumer protections, Sept. 16
Assembly Bill 210, touted as the bill to “bring Wisconsin into compliance with the Affordable Care Act,” instead abandons the progress Wisconsin has made to create a transparent process for consumers.

Click here for more health care news!

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Copyright © 2011 ABC for Health, Inc. All rights reserved. No reprint without permission.

HealthWatch Wisconsin is a project of ABC for Health, Inc.
Update Staff:
Bobby Peterson, Executive Director
Brynne McBride, Assistant Director
Adam VanSpankeren, Education and Outreach Coordinator
Evan Benner, Publications Assistant

Previous Issues