Milwaukee County HealthWatch Coalition

Upcoming Meetings:
9:30 to 11am - Feb. 13, 2019
9:30 to 11am - Mar. 13, 2019
9:30 to 11am - Apr. 10, 2019
9:30 to 11am - May 8, 2019
9:30 to 11am - Jun. 12, 2019
9:30 to 11am - Jul. 10, 2019
9:30 to 11am - Aug. 14, 2019
9:30 to 11am - Sep. 11, 2019
9:30 to 11am - Oct. 9, 2019
9:30 to 11am - Nov. 13, 2019
9:30 to 11am - Dec. 11, 2019 |
Who We Are…
An advocacy-based coalition dedicated to ensuring that individuals and families in Milwaukee County have access to affordable, timely, and quality health coverage and care.
What We Do…
The Coalition works to improve the delivery and quality of health care services to people with low incomes in Milwaukee County. In order to achieve this goal, the Coalition holds monthly meetings with local advocates from hospitals, clinics, and non-profits.
Goals & Objectives...
Provide quality and affordable healthcare for all Milwaukee residents.
Who Can Join…
ANYONE! There is no “membership” or fee required to attend the coalition meetings. However, we do encourage regular attendees to sign up for a membership or subscription to HealthWatch Wisconsin, the statewide organization, in order to leverage the coalition’s impact. You can do so here.
What to Expect from Monthly Meetings...
Most meetings start with introductions and a review of past meeting minutes. We typically welcome a speaker or guest presentation on a timely health care coverage topic. Each meeting includes time for networking, questions, and member sharing. Copies of minutes from past meetings are available upon request!
When & Where...
Meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month, 9:30 – 11:00am, Aurora Family Services 3200 W. Highland Blvd, Milwaukee
Additional Committee Meetings
Mental Health Task Force: Second Tuesday of each month, 3:00 – 5:00pm, Independence First 540 S. First St.
ECOM:Third Friday of each month, 9:00am – 12:00pm, United Way 225 W. Vine St. RSVP: Isela M. at 449-4777.
EPIC: First Tuesday of the even months, 1:00 – 3:00pm; Progressive Clinic 3522 W. Lisbon Ave
Contact Kimberly Turner or Adrena Luckett, MCHW Coalition Co-Chairs. |