Dane County HealthWatch Coalition

Upcoming Meetings:
9 to 11am - February 3, 2020
9 to 11am - March 2, 2020
9 to 11am - April 6, 2020
9 to 11am - May 4, 2020
9 to 11am - June 1, 2020
No Meeting - July 6, 2020
9 to 11am - August 3, 2020
9 to 11am - September 7, 2020
9 to 11am - October 5, 2020
9 to 11am - November 2, 2020
9 to 11am - December 7, 2020
Who We Are…
ABC for Health, Inc. established the local Dane County HealthWatch Coalition in 1996. Over the past 20 years, the Coalition has grown to include over 60 health care and advocacy organizations including health care providers, local and state governmental agency representatives, community advocates, attorneys, and students committed to access to health care coverage and care issues for Dane County residents. The Dane County HealthWatch Coalition advocates for underserved populations on issues relating to access to coverage and quality health care services, with particular emphasis on health disparity populations.
What We Do…
The Coalition works to improve the delivery and quality of health care services to people with low incomes in Dane County. In order to achieve this goal, the Coalition holds monthly meetings with local advocates from hospitals, clinics, non-profits, and staff from Dane County Human Services and the Aging and Disability Resource Center.
Goals & Objectives...
1. Advocate on access to health care coverage and service issues to the state, county, and local agencies and managed care organizations;
2. Monitor, develop, and promote strategies to address access to quality health care coverage, including BadgerCare Plus/Medicaid;
3. Promote collaboration of interested organizations, groups and individuals;
4. Support innovative strategies to provide advocacy and services to family Medicaid and BadgerCare enrollees that promote access to coverage and care;
5. Promote the education of health care service providers.
Who Can Join…
ANYONE! There is no “membership” or fee required to attend the coalition meetings. However, we do encourage regular attendees to sign up for a membership or subscription to HealthWatch Wisconsin, the statewide organization, in order to leverage the coalition’s impact. You can do so here.
What to Expect from Monthly Meetings...
Dane County HealthWatch Coalition meetings are generally held the first Monday of each month. Most meetings start with introductions and a review of past meeting minutes. We typically welcome a speaker or guest presentation on a timely health care coverage topic. The coalition receives regular updates from the Capital Consortium, the area income maintenance agency, followed by an update from the Dane County Aging and Disability Resource Center, and ABC for Health, Inc. Each meeting includes time for networking, questions, and member sharing. Copies of the Dane County HealthWatch Coalition By-laws and minutes from past meetings are available upon request!
When & Where...
Meetings are held the first Monday of every month (excluding holidays) from 9am-11am at the Dane County Job Center. Occasionally, meeting dates and locations change! Dane County Job Center 1801 Aberg Ave, Room 16 Madison, WI 53704
Contact Adam VanSpankeren, DCHW Coalition Chair, by email. |